30 poems in 30 days
23 April 2013
Kindle: a Romance (in titles)
The state of me:
the space in between
the continuous moment of you.
Leaving the hall light on,
the most beautiful thing
sparks off you:
subliminal dust.
She and I,
naked, drunk and writing
before dinner,
found days
Physical culture.
The boots my mother gave me,
guises of desire.
Whoever you are,
moments collide
better with age;
with hindsight
Catch my drift?
gentle cruelty.
A single year
training cats to understand you!
Just one more summer?
You wish.
Walking with her daughter,
far edge of seventeen,
where I am now,
she had wept
hailstones in May,
saving June
until the wind changes.
A season to remember!
Making our difference.
A departure from the script
somewhere like here.
Be your own editor.