My own book is finally here! It’s self-published on this website in 3D FlipBook form:
Nicki Hastie (2021) [Memoir and Poetry]
A Memoir in Blackout Poetry
The book includes my introductory essay to the project, “An exposition” (written in April 2021) and 75 poems found within issues of The Observer Magazine printed between April 2016 and January 2018.
You can also find my work in plenty of journals and anthologies:

Nicki Hastie (2019) [Memoir] “Making an Exhibition of Myself”
in Robinson & Villasenor (eds.) Desire, Love, Identity: From the Nottinghamshire LGBTQ Community
Nottingham: Global Words, pp.1-14
(see video review)
Nicki Hastie (2018) [Poem] “She Looks”
in LossLit Issue 7 (April 2018)

Nicki Hastie (2012) [Memoir, poems, short story] “Two Ways to Tell a Story”; “The Extra Letter I Should Have Sent”; “Peace-camp or Prison”; “Land of Online Dating #1”; “Many Happy Returns”; “Reunion” (also available to read on this site); “Shifting Sands”
in The Big Tree: an Anthology of Lesbian Loves (e-publication)
Nottingham: Sapphist Writers

Nicki Hastie (2011) [Three poems] “Waiting for the Lava Lamp”; “Finding my Legs”; “Pink”
in Soundswrite: anthology of contemporary poetry
Leicester: Soundswrite Press
Nicki Hastie (2008) [Poem] “The Bare-Faced Girl”
in 14 magazine Issue 7 (Autumn 2008)
Nicki Hastie (2007) [Multimedia poem sequence] “Postcard Stream”
in Womb Poetry Issue 1.5 (Summer 2007)

Nicki Hastie (2006) [Poem] “When I Photographed my Breasts”
in Chroma Issue 5 (Winter 2006)
Reprinted in Soundings: a journal of politics and culture Issue 39 (Summer 2008)
Nicki Hastie (2003) [Personal narrative] “A Woman Shaved: a sign of what?”
in The Student Underground Issue 43 pdf version (May 2003): 13
(1999 article reproduced with permission – see original article on this site, and other related writing on this site)
Andrea Barker & Nicki Hastie (2001) [Personal narrative] “The Cancer Journals”
in Diva (October 2001): 8-9

Nicki Hastie (2000) “Cultural Conceptions: Lesbian Parenting and Midwifery Practice”
in Diane Fraser (ed.) Professional Studies for Midwifery Practice
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp.63-75
Nicki Hastie (1999) “Origins and Activities of a Self-Help Support Center in Nottingham, UK”
International Journal of Self Help & Self Care 1.1 (1999-2000): 123-127
(see related writing on this site)

Nicki Hastie, Sarah Porch & Lou Brown (1995) “Doing it Ourselves: Promoting Women’s Health as Feminist Action”
in Gabriele Griffin (ed.) Feminist activism in the 1990s
London: Taylor & Francis, pp.13-27

Nicki Hastie (1994) “It All Comes Out in the Wash: Lesbians in Soaps”
in Trouble & Strife No. 29/30 (Winter 1994/95): 33-38
(see related writing on this site)

Nicki Hastie (1993) “Lesbian Bibliomythography”
in Gabriele Griffin (ed.) Outwrite: Lesbianism and Popular Culture
London: Pluto Press, pp.68-85
(see related writing on this site)