Lesbian eXcursions: Bibliography

Lesbian eXcursions: Journeying through the personal narrative – Bibliography

© Nicki Hastie

Dissertation submitted for the degree of M.A. Modern Literature: Theory and Practice, University of Leicester 1991

If you are quoting from or printing parts of this page, please give full acknowledgement and reference as: Nicki Hastie (1991) Lesbian eXcursions: journeying through the personal narrative [WWW] https://www.nickihastie.uk/my-writing/essays/lesbian-excursions-bibliography (add date you visited this page)

Some parts of this dissertation were revised and subsequently published as Nicki Hastie, “Lesbian Bibliomythography” in Gabriele Griffin (ed.) Outwrite: Lesbianism and Popular Culture London: Pluto Press, 1993 pp.68-85



I refer the reader who wishes to be reminded of my opinions about sources used in this study to Note 69.

Abel, Elizabeth (ed.)
Writing and Sexual Difference (Brighton: The Harvester Press, 1982)
Abel, Elizabeth, Hirsch, Marianne & Langland, Elizabeth (eds.)
The Voyage In: Fictions of Female Development (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1983)
Adelman, Marcy (ed.)
Long Time Passing: Lives of Older Lesbians (Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986)
Brady, Maureen
“Insider/Outsider Coming of Age” in Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions eds. Karla Jay & Joanne Glasgow (New York: New York University Press, 1990)
Brossard, Nicole
“Lesbians of (Writing) Lore” in Out The Other Side: Contemporary Lesbian Writing eds. Christian McEwan & Sue O’Sullivan (London: Virago, 1988).
Brown, Rita Mae
Rubyfruit Jungle (New York: Bantam, 1977 (first published 1973))
Brown, Rita Mae
“Take a Lesbian to Lunch” in Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation eds. Karla Jay & Allen Young (New York: Douglas Books, 1972)
Bruford, W.H.
The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation (London: Cambridge University Press, 1975)
Buckley, Jerome Hamilton
Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974)
Chew, Martha
“Rita Mae Brown: Feminist Theorist and Southern Novelist” in Women Writers of the Contemporary South ed. Peggy Whitman Prenshaw (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1984)
Christian, Barbara
Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers (New York: Pergamon Press, 1985)
Cook, Blanche Wiesen
“Women Alone Stir My Imagination: Lesbianism and the Cultural Tradition” Signs 4, no.4 (Summer 1979): 718-39
Cooper, Fiona
Not the Swiss Family Robinson (London: Virago, 1991)
Crow, Christine
Miss X or The Wolf Woman (London: The Women’s Press, 1990)
DeLynn, Jane
Don Juan in the Village (London: Serpent’s Tail, 1991)
D’Emilio, John
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983)
Faderman, Lillian
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present (London: The Women’s Press, 1985 (first published 1981))
Felski, Rita
“The Novel of Self-Discovery: a Necessary Fiction?” Southern Review: Literary and Interdisciplinary Essays 19, no.2 (July 1986): 131-48
Felski, Rita
Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change (London: Hutchinson Radius, 1989)
Ferguson, Mary Anne
“Lisa Alther: The irony of return?” in Women Writers of the Contemporary South ed. Peggy Whitman Prenshaw (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1984)
Fishbein, Leslie
Rubyfruit Jungle: Lesbianism, Feminism and Narcissism” International Journal of Women’s Studies 7, no.2 (March-April 1984): 155-59
Forrest, Katharine V.
Curious Wine (London: Silver Moon Books, 1990 (first published 1983))
Friedan, Sandra
“Shadowing/Surfacing/Shedding: Contemporary German Writers in Search of a Female Bildungsroman” in The Voyage In: Fictions of Female Development eds. Elizabeth Abel, Marianne Hirsch & Elizabeth Langland (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1983)
Fuss, Diana
Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference (London: Routledge, 1990)
Gay Left Collective (ed.)
Homosexuality: Power and Politics (London: Allison & Busby, 1980)
Hall, Radclyffe
The Well of Loneliness (London: Virago, 1982 (first published 1928))
Hennegan, Alison
“On Becoming a Lesbian Reader” in Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction ed. Susannah Radstone (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988)
Hirsch, Marianne
“The Novel of Formation as Genre: Between Great Expectations and Lost Illusions” Genre 12, no.3 (Fall 1979): 293-311
Hokenson, Jan
“The Pronouns of Gomorrha: a Lesbian Prose Tradition” Frontiers 10, no.1 (1988): 62-69
Jay, Karla
“Portrait of the Lesbian as a Young Dyke” in Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation eds. Karla Jay & Allen Young (New York: Douglas Books, 1972)
Jay, Karla
“Coming Out as Process” in Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book ed. Ginny Vida (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1978)
Jay, Karla & Glasgow, Joanne (eds.)
Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions (New York: New York University Press, 1990)
Jelinek, Estelle C. (ed.)
Women’s Autobiography: Essays in Criticism (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980)
Johnston, Jill
Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1973)
Keener, Karen M.
“Out of the Archives and into the Academy: Opportunities for Research and Publication in Lesbian Literature” College English 44, no.3 (March 1982): 301-13
Kennard, Jean E.
“Ourself Behind Ourself: a Theory for Lesbian Readers” Signs 9, no.4 (Summer 1984): 647-62
Kitzinger, Celia
The Social Construction of Lesbianism (London: Sage, 1987)
Klein, Yvonne M.
“Myth and Community in Recent Lesbian Autobiographical Fiction” in Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions (New York: New York University Press, 1990)
Krieger, Susan
“Lesbian Identity and Community: Recent Social Science Literature” Signs 8, no.1 (Autumn 1982): 91-108
Labovitz, Esther Kleinbord
The Mythi of the Heroine: The Female Bildungsroman in the Twentieth Century (New York: Peter Lang, 1986)
Lauretis, Teresa de (ed.)
Feminist Studies/Critical Studies (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986)
Lesbian History Group
Not a Passing Phase: Reclaiming Lesbians in History 1840-1985 (London: The Women’s Press, 1989)
Lorde, Audre
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name (London: Sheba, 1990 (first published 1982))
Lynch, Lee
“Cruising the Libraries” in Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions eds. Karla Jay & Joanne Glasgow (New York: New York University Press, 1990)
Mandrell, James
“Questions of Genre and Gender: Contemporary American Versions of the Feminine Picaresque” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 20, no.2 (Winter 1987): 149-70
Martin, Del & Lyon, Phyllis
Lesbian/Woman (San Francisco: Gilde Publications, 1972)
Palmer, Paulina
“Contemporary Lesbian Feminist Fiction: Texts for Everywoman” in Plotting Change: Contemporary Women’s Fiction ed. Linda Anderson (London: Edward Arnold, 1990)
Ponse, Barbara
Identities in the Lesbian World: The Social Construction of Self (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1978)
Radstone, Susannah (ed.)
Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988)
Redding, Maggie
The Life and Times of Daffodil Mulligan (London: Brilliance Books, 1984)
Rich, Adrienne
Blood, Bread and Poetry: Selected Prose 1979-1985 (London: Virago, 1986)
Rule, Jane
Lesbian Images (Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1975)
Stambolian, George & Marks, Elaine (eds.)
Homosexualities and French Literature: Cultural Contexts/Critical Texts (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1979)
Stein, Gertrude
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (London: Penguin, 1977 (first published 1933))
Stimpson, Catharine R.
“The Mind, the Body and Gertrude Stein” Critical Inquiry 3 (Spring 1977): 489-506
Stimpson, Catharine R.
“Zero Degree Deviancy: the Lesbian Novel in English” in Writing and Sexual Difference ed. Elizabeth Abel (Brighton: The Harvester Press, 1982)
Stimpson, Catharine R.
“Reading for Love: Canons, Paracanons and Whistling Jo March” New Literary History 21 (1990): 957-76
Stone, Albert E.
Autobiographical Occasions and Original Acts: Versions of American Identity from Henry Adams to Nate Shaw (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982)
Wagner, Linda W.
“Plath’s The Bell Jar as Female BildungsromanWomen’s Studies: an Interdisciplinary Journal 12, no.1 (1986): 55-68
Weeks, Jeffrey
Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (London: Quartet, 1977)
Weeks, Jeffrey
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Weeks, Jeffrey
“Questions of Identity” in The Cultural Construction of Sexuality ed. Pat Caplan (London: Tavistock, 1987)
Weeks, Jeffrey
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Wilson, Elizabeth
“Tell it Like it is: Women and Confessional Writing” in Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction ed. Susannah Radstone (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988)
Winterson, Jeanette
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit (London: Pandora, 1985)
Wittig, Monique
The Lesbian Body (New York: Avon Books, 1975 (Le Corps Lesbien, 1973))
Wittig, Monique
“Paradigm” in Homosexualities and French Literature: Cultural Contexts/Critical Texts eds. George Stambolian and Elaine Marks (Ithaca: Cornwell University Press, 1979)
Wittig, Monique
“The Straight Mind” in For Lesbians Only: a separatist anthology eds. Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julia Penelope (London: Onlywomen Press, 1988)
Wittig, Monique
“One is Not Born a Woman” in For Lesbians Only: a separatist anthology eds. Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julia Penelope (London: Onlywomen Press, 1988)
Zimmerman, Bonnie
“Exiting From patriarchy: The Lesbian Novel of Development” in The Voyage In: Fictions of Female Development eds. Elizabeth Abel, Marianne Hirsch & Elizabeth Langland (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1983)
Zimmerman, Bonnie
“The Politics of Transliteration: Lesbian Personal Narratives” Signs 9, no. 4 (Summer 1984): 663-82
Zimmerman, Bonnie
“What Has Never Been: An Overview of Lesbian Feminist Criticism” in The New Feminist Criticism ed. Elaine Showalter (London: Virago, 1986)


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